Landmark Nephrology
Powered by the NSMC Internship and BIDMC
Grow from fish to philosopher while exploring the evolution of nephrology knowledge

Landmark Nephrology is an online educational resource that aims to highlight landmark clinical trials which have shaped the way we practice nephrology.
This strategy reinforces the lessons learned from Dr. Burton “Bud” Rose. Dr. Rose whose text, Clinical Electrolytes and Acid Base Disorders, regaled a generation of learners by harnessing the power of original research to apply it to clinical care. He not only shaped the way nephrology is taught but was also an early adaptor of technology as a way to disseminate knowledge and his unparalleled vision culminated in the creation of UpToDate.
At Landmark, we seek to humbly follow his example of bridging the need to decipher old experiments and rejoice in new discoveries.
We thank Mrs. Gloria Rose for her generosity in funding our project.
Get the mentorship to write a post, develop a timeline or create a visual abstract from our team